Uplifting Content that impacts humanity

Story Reimagined

The Opportunity

Technology and Innovation have converged and created an opportunity to impact the world with storytelling that directly addresses the moral and social decay of today. This opportunity paves the way for content that promotes both Kingdom and Family values that move and inspire audiences towards God.

The Power of Storytelling

This convergence fuels stories that must be told to transform the world; stories that will touch, move and inspire people towards God and restore family values. It is our mission to engage in these mediums and provide relevant content that directly addresses society’s issues of the day.

The Writers Room

AOGPRO provides a writers’ room where writers gather to break-the-story and refine scripts. Our studio offers hands-on workshops for writers to guide and empower them with quality story design and software tools; an ecosystem designed to create and publish stories that impact cultures around the world!

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AOGPRO Academy is here to help YOU learn the skills needed to
empower YOU to create content that effectively
communicates the Gospel to the Nations.

What our customers say …

A man can do anything – swim, write, perform, but there is a right and wrong way to do it. Allen Brown’s Screenwriters Course was an eye opener to all that it takes to be successful in the film industry. His depth of knowledge lavishly shared was empowering and I am grateful for learning the right way to create excellent award-winning novels and film scripts. He is raising the bar in the entertainment arena. Better scripts mean better films.
I felt, as an aspiring filmmaker, that it was important for me to understand the significant role that music plays in film. This class not only taught us the technical side of things, but it also taught us the Biblical significance of music. Whoever wants to go into film making, whether you plan to be in the musical department or not, I highly recommend you take this class to get a deeper appreciation for music in film.
Having almost given up on the prospect of writing a professional screenplay, an old friend invited me to participate in the online seminar, Filmmaking as a Calling with Allen Brown. During the online seminar, my spirit leapt within me, and the Lord encouraged me to sign up for the Kingdom Screenwriting course. I found the Kingdom Screenwriting course to be highly informative, equipping me with the necessary ‘tools of the trade.’  Allen presented more than a fair amount of information in a way that bridged the gap between amateur and professional—in a fun and engaging way!
I am installing DP on my computer as I type this so thanks again for ordering it and for teaching the class. It changed my life forever! God confirmed so many things and opened my eyes to truths he had spoken to me that I didn’t understand until I took your class and learned the skills and heard the teaching. I am so grateful that I decided to go in spite of an pneumonia.
Thank you for the work you’re doing at Apples of Gold and for taking the time to teach the Music Composition class. Our 17 year old son was very impressed by you, the class, and the entire experience there. Every part of his trip went well. He’s more motivated than ever to collect all that he needs in equipment and software… He has a great respect for you and your knowledge and experience.
You have made a very positive impact on his life. Thank you again.
Hey Allen! I just wanted to thank you for all of the information you shared with us in the class on Saturday. I know it has helped to launch me in my career and point me in some great directions. Let me know if there is ever any kind of way that I can help you or give back to what you and your wife are doing. I would love to help in any way I can!
First, I would like to thank you and your wife for the excellent workshop that you presented yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and appreciate all the information and notes that you gave us. Most of all, I appreciated the spirit in which it was presented. In addition to the wonderful affirmation that I received from you, your wife and the students, I had an encouragement from the Lord … With both the natural knowledge and the Spirit, it truly was a feast!

My father came back from his training with you a changed man. I have never seen someone change so much in such a short period of time.  The power of God must have been unleashed in your house while my father was staying with you … He came back as a man with vision.  The defeated, discouraged, short-sighted shell of a man who left Boston came back renewed, energized and positive. My father lives, breathes, eats and sleeps music, so it was a great time for him to be in the atmosphere of your home where he was welcomed.
Thank you for all you did for my father.

Real support by real people

We have no idea who the people in this picture are, but we liked it, so we kept it.  However,  please feel free to contact us via email and we promise that a real person will get back to you.